
About Crime Axis

Inspired by the fundamental right to safety for all residents of the United States, Crime Axis was created with the aim of providing every individual living in the country with the knowledge of how their community’s safety measures up within the broader spectrum of crime statistics in the U.S. This initiative extends its coverage beyond bustling metropolitan hubs to include even the smaller counties with populations of fewer than 10,000 residents. Our goal is to offer our visitors a data-driven overview, enabling them to make well-informed decisions concerning safety and related concerns.

Population Covered

Crimes Types Covered

Year Founded

Law Enforcement Agencies

Mission & Vision

At Crime Axis, our mission is to empower every U.S. resident with the knowledge they need to ensure the safety and security of their communities. We are dedicated to providing comprehensive, up-to-date, and easily accessible crime data, not only for major cities but also for the smallest of counties. Our commitment is to foster data-driven insights that enable individuals to make informed decisions, ultimately contributing to safer neighborhoods and a safer nation.

Our vision at Crime Axis is to become the go-to resource for all matters related to crime statistics in the United States. We aspire to create a platform where every resident can effortlessly access, interpret, and apply crime data to improve the well-being of their communities. We envision a future where our data-driven insights inspire proactive safety measures, reduce crime rates, and create a sense of security in every corner of the country.

Meet Mahmoud

Mahmoud, the visionary founder behind Crime Axis, holds a Bachelor’s degree in Commerce and Economics. His educational journey didn’t stop there; post-graduation, Mahmoud pursued a deep interest in the realms of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and UX (User Experience) design. He is not just well-versed but certified in Google Analytics 4, and he has earned his stripes as a Certified UX Designer by Google.

Mahmoud’s passion lies in the art of data analysis. He possesses the remarkable ability to transform raw data into compelling narratives that convey meaningful stories. With his keen eye for detail and a flair for data-driven insights, Mahmoud aims to make the world of crime statistics more accessible and informative for all.

Beyond his professional pursuits, Mahmoud finds relaxation in the world of gaming. He’s an avid FIFA player and enjoys a good game of cards in his free time. Mahmoud’s dedication to data, coupled with his creative spirit, continues to drive Crime Axis towards its mission of empowering individuals with essential crime-related knowledge.

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